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16th April 2022
Tommi Borg visits for your meetings at AERC 2022, in Seville, Spain, 26th-28th April 2022.

14th November 2019
Updated RheoPower 5.1 package is now available.

24th September 2018
64-bit RheoPower 5.0 analyses still more accurate thanks to developments. Easy to deploy databases. Read more >>

16th April 2017
Tommi Borg visits for your meetings at Chinaplas May 16-19, 2017 - Guangzhou, PR China.

24th November 2015
New published paper "Linear viscoelastic model for different flows based on control theory", Appl. Rheol. Read more >>

7th November 2014
RheoPower 4.3 is also available as true 64-bit for heavy computations. Read more >>

DataPower software Family


The DataPower Server and modern TCP/IP protocol presents the backbone for rapid real synchronised viscoelastic, pressure and PVT data included with shear history feed to any CAE/CAD/CFD Client software.

The major problem of CAE/CAD/CFD programs

It is very enthusiastic to study different mathematical models CAE/CAD/CFD programs are using and their colourful output prints they are produced. Unfortunately many times one can not see the forest for the trees. In computer science is well known phrase:

Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)

This means here that if we feed unrealistic or minimal viscoelastic data to the system, we have to use many correction variables or even complete artificial mathematical models to get simulation working and still it is doing modelling in a narrow window, thus only for special cases. DataPower uses linear and proofed RheoPower viscoelastic principles giving right data and thus better opportunity to get succeed for simulation programs. As summary you have possibilities to model starting from molecule chain dimensions up to real manufacturing process or other practical flows.


RheoPower is a comprehensive software family for polymer structure analyses, is source for DataPower software family. Modern flexible technique offers rapid scalability for special applications. RheoFlow CAE Client for flow simulations of basic channel shapes. RheoTester Client and a DLL with open source code give coding instructions for making Client TCP/IP interface. Material and process data files are included.

Some Features of DataPower

  • DataPower Server is a stand-alone program sending synchronised viscoelastic data to any client program in the same or remote PCs by TCP/IP protocol.
    • DataPower Server is based on the RheoPower principle.
    • Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Client programs are not platform depended.
    • RheoFlow CAE Client program is developed for calibration and simulation.
    • RheoFlow can simulate basic flow channels by DataPower Server data.
    • DataPower Server can make very fast data feeds according to data requests for any CAE/CAD/CFD Client.

RheoPower software family delivers material data files for separate DataPower Server. This can be located in same computer with CAE/CAD/CFD Client software or in remote mode is saving computation resources. Client program gets flow and rate synchronized viscoelastic data by TCP/IP protocol in the ready use mode. DataPower can serve also CAE/CAD/CDF programs on Linux/Unix platforms. An alternative is to generate special data packages for the use of specified program.

Data Functions in the Fast Synchronised Mode

A CAE client program makes a data request for viscoelastic functions at a temperature and pressure including shear history.

DataPower Server gives requested data in few milliseconds.

Client/Server Principle

Client/Server describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. The Client/Server idea can be used by programs within a single computer or in a network.

The Server-Client architecture offer ready tools for high-performance parallel and distributed computing saving system resources and speeding up computation time.

Procedure Description

New polymer is measured by oscillating and capillary rheometer for material data. Results are composed to a datafile in RheoAnalyzer program, a member of RheoPower software family.

This datafile is imported to the DataPower Server, which is now ready to give to the CAE Clients different type viscoelastic data functions at different temperatures, pressure and shear history.

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