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16th April 2022
Tommi Borg visits for your meetings at AERC 2022, in Seville, Spain, 26th-28th April 2022.

14th November 2019
Updated RheoPower 5.1 package is now available.

24th September 2018
64-bit RheoPower 5.0 analyses still more accurate thanks to developments. Easy to deploy databases. Read more >>

16th April 2017
Tommi Borg visits for your meetings at Chinaplas May 16-19, 2017 - Guangzhou, PR China.

24th November 2015
New published paper "Linear viscoelastic model for different flows based on control theory", Appl. Rheol. Read more >>

7th November 2014
RheoPower 4.3 is also available as true 64-bit for heavy computations. Read more >>

Published peer reviewed research papers and presented at international conferences

Scientific articles and presentations

This page presents as a summary published peer reviewed research papers or presented at international conferences. Still pending papers are included with software package.
When applicable, the paper or abstract is available for download in *.pdf format below.

Our peer reviewed and published papers for modelling viscoelasticity, detecting MWD from viscosity measurements and CFD simulations:

Orally presented papers at international conferences:

This is a good review for research developments in theory during years along with heavy software coding and numerical analyses.

The origin of Classical Rheology

The fundamental presentation for 1900-century rheology is discussed by Malkin and Isayev*:

"The complete review of the theory of linear viscoelasticity was summarized Bernhard Gross: Mathematical structure of the theories of viscoelasticity, Hermann & Cie, Paris (1953). He called his approach ”dogmatic” because it was based on some fundamental principles and it appeared possible to present the theory in a compact and clear form.”
* A Ya. Malkin, A. I. Isayev: Rheology: Concepts, Methods & Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Toronto, 2006.
Gross noticed that the formalism of dielectric and viscoelastic relaxations are identical. He wrote a rheologial book discussed above. It is a pity, this Gross' book remained unknown and the glory of rheology developments took Ferry et. al.

High valuated Ferry, Tschoegl and others had only done continuum by well documented form of “dogmatic” works for the review by Gross. Who was this forgotten great scientist Bernhard Gross, is found on the link?

I bought maybe the last single book recently available (found from the past Aerojet library, Sacramento, California Space rocket manufacturer). Due to immaterial rights I still copy only few pages found attached as a sample of this 65 years old book: "Mathematical structure of the theories of viscoelasticity"

Our Rheology Principle is based on Control Theory

We proved now on these pages and by RheoPower software that macromolecules do not behave exactly similar way as classical rheology principle copied from dielectric phenomena, which describes for viscoelastic materials originally only stress relaxation states. Our presented principle is free of these limitations and useable for different type flows and states.

The development process started back to 1970 decade on the experiences learned during practical manufacturing industry and has gone thru many step-by-step procedure even by help of first PCs before we found that our model was actually same as well theoretically accepted Control Theory in science.

As a summary our works based on control theory is still more accurate, flexible and moreover more “dogmatic” as classical presented by Gross et. al. starting dielectric phenomena, but our has more universal physical background and flexibility.
This was the final page of this www-site updated 21 September 2018.

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