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16th April 2022
Tommi Borg visits for your meetings at AERC 2022, in Seville, Spain, 26th-28th April 2022.

14th November 2019
Updated RheoPower 5.1 package is now available.

24th September 2018
64-bit RheoPower 5.0 analyses still more accurate thanks to developments. Easy to deploy databases. Read more >>

16th April 2017
Tommi Borg visits for your meetings at Chinaplas May 16-19, 2017 - Guangzhou, PR China.

24th November 2015
New published paper "Linear viscoelastic model for different flows based on control theory", Appl. Rheol. Read more >>

7th November 2014
RheoPower 4.3 is also available as true 64-bit for heavy computations. Read more >>

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Older developments

22nd October 2007
In the new RheoPower 3.1 version is added component to use the present IUPAC Schema for XML Datafiles. Only by one button click RheoPower can import measured data or export computed results to the XML file. Software will be updated immediately according to new suggestions by IUPAC standardisation project.

7th April 2007
New RheoPower version 3.0 is coded strictly according to developed principle based on the very recently found and elsewhere certified physical relations. Software itself has worked well during years. –The wanted background turned finally to the simple form but very new in rheology. New licensing system is introduced to the packages.

Tommi Borg gives an oral presentation at AERC 2007, 4th Annual European Rheology Conference April 12-14 in Napoli, where these new fundamental findings are presented.

7th April 2006
To the RheoPower version 2.11 is added option for jointing data from different sources as from oscillating and capillary rheometers to the same analysing procedure.

DataPower Server version 2.7 includes pressure influences to the output viscoelastic and orientation data.

26th October 2005
New RheoPower version 2.10 can use data measured by capillary rheometer besides dynamic data from oscillating rheometer. Option to use also relaxation modulus G(t) data and now we get accurate value for zero viscosity.

RheoPower for DataPower version can produce material data files for DataPower server, which feeds CAE/CAD/CFD simulation software packages.

New DataPower Server version 2.4 feeds accurately data and can be simulated earlier impossible case. We get simultaneously accurate orientation charts.

16th November 2004
New RheoPower version 2.09 can use measured data of relaxation modulus G(t) and shows accurate value for zero viscosity.

The secrets of computation are more visible on the function charts and the kernel of principle called functional distribution is introduced. Wizards are added to help Quick Start.

21st July 2004
Totally refreshed web pages and new DataPower Software Family is introduced for CAE/CAD/CFD simulation business range.

Tommi Borg gives two oral presentations at XIVth Int. Congr. on Rheology August 22-27, 2004 in Seoul, Korea and there is rented an exhibition booth for principle presentations and simulations with PC.

21st May 2003
RheoPower version 2.07 has some minor changes and also suitable for Windows XP platform styles.

26th August 2002
Finally the Manual of 170 pages is ready and proof-read. Also Contents Help of RheoPower has been enewed and proof-read. New Version 2.06 has some minor changes. We studied the background of the differential equations and re-wrote some basis of the principle.

12. December 2001
Transient Viscosity modelling procedures are included in Version 2.05. Polymer has a wide range of sudden shear rate changes during extrusion and injection moulding processes. With rheometer they are called speed or ramp tests. Melts do not change in micro seconds their viscosity to the new state and shear rate. One form of effect is the start-up test, where the over shooting effect can be found.

19. October 2001
Famous LDPE IUPAC A in rheology is now modeled accurately at 130-250oC temperatures. Ask for the field test report (.pdf, 0.6Mb) with MWD, viscosity, relaxation modulus, spectra and many other outputs. Some new minor structures were detected. Modelled phase angle is included in all versions and van Gurp-Palmen plots in the premium version.

12. September 2001
A report of benchmark test (0.2MB) presents illustratively strengths and limits of RheoAnalyzer to get molecule weight distribution (MWD) from viscoelastic data. Paper shows accuracy of the system and discuss "go-mode" computations. In Version 2.04 includes priori information procedure used considerably with numerical computations. These can be used separately or simultaneously for average molecule weight Mw, polydispersity value MwR or zero shear viscosity, the priori value turned out to be a very powerful tool.

11. July 2001
Short chain branching (SCB) procedure was included. The branching index of RheoPower has a relation to the SCB. The blends of different polymer structures give us effective or functional MWD in RheoAnalyzer. This is very useful when developing new materials and processes. The partition principles of minor structures was updated. These include chemical structures, SCB, LCB, crosslinks and blends. In other words all these are now on the same line and we have fitted in the rheological model with minor structures.

25. May 2001
Version 2 offers tool to do long chain branching (LCB) analyses. If you are doing these computations with the Premium version, please check your version state on our supporting pages and get the latest update.

15. May 2001
For flexibility and the use with other platforms the kernel of the software has been revised and the accuracy of RheoPower version 2.0 is again still higher. Now the viscosity fit can be thousands of times better as any other model. Many earlier limitations have been removed. The principle, theory and on-line computations were presented at the 2nd Workshop on Inverse Problems held during 9-11 May in south-Germany for the top audience of the field.

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